Dear Partners, due to the incessant increase in Ethereum gas fees, we are happy to inform users that we are introducing 2 Tokens and 2 Blockchains namely: Ethereum network (ERC) and Binance Smart Chain (BSC). We are going to integrate JBX (ERC) and JBX (BSC) on the withdraw section so anyone who mines tokens can easily choose which of the coins he wishes to be credited with. Some of the benefits of JBX BSC are low gas fees and super fast transaction speeds. We are scaling, let’s spread the word about JBOXCOIN!
50% of Raised Funds and 200,000 Jbox BSC will be added to the liquidity pool. Top 10 Holders receive 1000$ worth of JBOX BSC token.
Send BNB to 0xD3A567c24873Fb1E63839EA1305e6D9aAc355Ab9 and receive your tokens by end of the presale. JBX is non-mintable with limited supply
How will JBX be distributed?
We are progressive
JBX will be listed on PancakeSwap same day after the end of Presale. Liquidity will be locked for 1 Year. Quarterly buybacks will be conducted regualarly by the team.